Men have long been sidelined as couch potatoes that don’t like moving on their off days. But this notion has been reduced to a myth for the modern-day men; the present-day man likes to have hobbies and options to choose from.
Whether you’re a man in his 20s or a man nearing his retirement and planning to make the next switch, you are always on the go and ready to take up new challenges.
Hobbies are a great way to stay engaged and keep your mind from sitting idle. Some hobbies like playing scrabble or a physical sport helps in strengthening your motor as well as intellectual abilities. Thus, it’s always ideal to have a hobby; regardless of your age and social calendar.
Instead of making this article all about the advantages of having a hobby, we’re going to provide you with ideas so that you can add it to your social activities. So, without further ado, let’s get on with the list of ten masculine hobbies for men!
- Play Baseball

Baseball is one of the four big sports that are thoroughly enjoyed by Americans as it is part of its culture and heritage. The excitement of finishing a home run is to another level whereas its inclusivity makes it even more exhilarating and unique. Men of every height can participate in this game and have a total blast.
Playing baseball is one of the most obvious hobbies that would come to anybody’s mind. But there are certain men who are truly invested in this game. They have also collected varsity jackets and baseball cleats just to name a few. This is truly a game for the ones who play with their heart!
- Riding Motorbikes

Motorbike riding is a passion for men who crave that adrenaline kick. It is enjoyed and taken up as a hobby by men who like spontaneity, adventure and sudden thrills. Obviously, it is an extremely dangerous hobby to have but that’s exactly what makes it so exciting – and aren’t men natural at that? They seek thrill and danger because it makes them feel alive.
Part of motorcycle riding is creating an ambiance. Men always ride motorcycles in a rugged style; they love biker jackets, riding sunglasses, and helmets. It’s actually a funny sight to witness men acting childish around their favorite toys.
- Collecting Shoes

This is a significantly less risky hobby than riding motorcycles. Modern-day men aren’t afraid to embrace their feminine side and so they enjoy collecting shoes. A lot of men, especially the younger generation, have a fondness for collecting shoes.
Thus, you will find their wardrobe filled with leather loafers, Oxfords, leather shoes, Active sneakers, Chelsea Boots, and whatnot. Of course, they prefer collecting the branded ones, and when it comes to leather shoes, they always vouch for The Jacket Maker!
Side note: They also enjoy cleaning leather boots.
- Hiking

Hiking is a pleasant hobby that keeps your body alive! Some men like to go for hiking trips over the weekend as it helps them find peace of mind. When your bodies get used to the constant digital consumption, it starts to deteriorate because it’s extremely unhealthy. Our bodies are designed to move and be active and that is exactly what hiking allows us to do – it lets us wander and be carefree!
Men who enjoy hiking don’t go out without a plan; they maintain hiking backpacks that include vitamin supplements, waterproof hiking boots, a first-aid kit, and water, of course. The only advice that we would give is to wear quality leather boots because the trip is going to be bumpy and full of surprises.
- Weekend Getaways

Are you someone who plans weekend getaways with friends and families? Corporate professions are tiring and can take a toll on your mental and physical health. This is exactly why we recommend you plan weekend getaways to simply cut off from the world and just be. You’ll be surprised to find a sense of peace and happiness from within, not to forget, it also rejuvenates you and fills you with profound motivation for the next few days.
The only piece of advice we would like to send your way is to invest in a quality duffle bag. The reason is simple: It is great for carrying your belongings for a couple of days and easy to carry anywhere and everywhere.
- Hunting

This hobby is not for the faint-hearted ones; you need immense courage and a desire for thrills to opt for this one. But really, have you wondered why men enjoy hunting so much? It’s a way to experience nature fully.
Hunting is intimate and connects your soul with the wildlife by giving you the responsibility to manage your own food for survival. Moreover, it humbles you by recognizing and acknowledging the cycle of life.
Sports jackets are a must when you’re going out to hunt. There are a variety of jackets that you can wear for this purpose keeping the atmosphere and weather conditions in mind.
Keep in mind, you have to wear wool and warm leather jackets. There are options available for big and tall people as well so there’s no need to worry. Preparations are necessary for a successful trip! Thus, always carry your survival kit with you as it will stop your mind from being distracted.
- Customize Leather Jackets

Not all hobbies need to be dangerous and thrilling because some people enjoy their time at home and do something productive, like providing services for custom leather jackets. You may have come across men who’re always hustling – it’s something they can’t help but be actively involved in. And so, as leather enthusiasts, they start customizing leather jackets.
It’s a great way to spend your time and sometimes even financially rewarding if you’re good at it. There are so many types of leather jackets, getting exceptional at making even one of them, say a bomber jacket, can be an achievement!
- Play Tennis

Tennis is a game for gentlemen. It is a great way to relieve stress and maintain physical fitness. The great thing about this sport is that it provides you a sense of community, and as adults, we can understand the importance of friendships and bonding.
Watching tennis is great but we’d suggest men take it up as a hobby because it will make them athletic and protect them from becoming a couch potato. Thus, get yourself some leather tennis shoes (also, learn how to clean them with DIY leather conditioners because they can easily get dirty), and start playing.
- Play Video Games

Although the women in their lives hate it, men are obsessed with playing video games. It’s a great hobby to have as it keeps your mind off all the negativity that could possibly be troubling you otherwise.
There are numerous video games today that it can be hard to identify your favorite. Try to pick games that are not violent in nature because our mind needs peace and constant exposure to violence can be troublesome. Furthermore, get comfortable by investing in the latest techwear because you don’t want to look poorly styled when you indulge in one of your favorite hobbies.
- Workout

Men love to work out and bulk up those muscles as it boosts their self-esteem and feel confident. It becomes addictive after some time as it produces healthy hormones in the body.
Therefore, it’s time to get a membership in the nearest gym and invest in activewear. These clothes need to be comfortable and stretchable. Moreover, the material should be breathable as you don’t want to feel stressed at any time of the routine. Note down that you should always buy leather gloves as your hands take the most beating during exercise.
Leatherworking, cooking, painting, and rocketry are some of the hobbies that men like to indulge in, especially the ones who have a liking for building things.
The easiest way to stretch leather shoes at home is by putting them on and squeezing tightly. Take a blow-dryer and apply heat on the shoes for approximately 30 seconds while simultaneously bedding them. However, don’t allow them to breathe and cool down before you go out wearing them.
Put a tent, sleeping bag, food, vitamins, and clothes in the hiking backpack. Make sure that you only add lightweight items in your bag otherwise it could be difficult to carry.
The solution of warm water and dish soap are enough to clean hiking boots. Make sure you let them dry with a towel after the diluted wipes.
Techwear is essentially high-quality material that is used to produce apparels that can stand up to elements. It has technical detailing that is hard to miss. These clothes are seemingly simple and really comfortable to wear.
In Conclusion
Hobbies are essential as they keep you busy, and sometimes, even in flow. You don’t want to indulge in activities that you don’t have any interest in – thus, review this list and ask yourself: What amongst this list inspires me? And you know the rest!