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How To Clean Leather Boots – Spotless and Neat Boots

how to clean leather boots

Cleaning leather boots is one of the easiest yet hardest parts of shoe maintenance. One buys leather boots thinking they’d wear them to every cool place and enjoy their time looking sophisticated and stylish. But to make sure one cuts those two adjectives, men’s leather boots must look clean. Cleaning leather boots is tricky for people who are new to this world. They often worry that the quality of leather would get spoiled. However, that’s not the case. Cleaning leather boots the right way never damages the quality of the leather or the overall condition of the boots. 

Leather boot care and maintenance is an essential part of its longevity. Thus, in this guide, we’re going to discuss how to clean boots properly. From buying a leather boots cleaner to coming up with DIY techniques from online research, there are so many ways you can clean leather boots. Let’s get started, shall we?

How To Clean Leather Boots At Home?

Cleaning a leather boot at home using cloth

If you want to know how to clean leather boots at home, follow these steps:

Remove The Laces

Before cleaning leather shoes or boots, you must first remove their laces. This way, you clear the surface area as mild rubbing and brushing is to be followed.

Get Rid Of The Dirt

Cleaning boots require getting rid of the dirt that is visible on the surface. Use a duster or a brush to remove excess dirt from the leather boots (like men’s Chelsea boots or chukka). 

Use The Saddle Soap

Using saddle soap makes it easier to clean the shoes and leave them spotless. You will dampen a cloth in with hot water and rub the frothy saddle soap on the surface of the leather boots. Lathering saddle soap on the boots allows you to clean them properly. 

Rinse And Dry The Boots

Dampen the cloth in hot water again wipe off the soap and clean the boots properly. You can also spray water on the boots. Don’t completely drench the boots. Once you have washed, make sure you allow the leather boots to air dry. It takes roughly 24 to 36 hours. 

Condition The Boots

Cleaning leather boots is not done without using a leather conditioner. It rejuvenates the leather and makes your boots look brand new. 

Make Them Waterproof

Use beeswax on the top layer and waterproof leather boots. This step is optional. 

Use Boot Shiner

Just leather is a leather cleaner for boots, there is also a boot shiner that is available in departmental stores or online. Buy a boot shiner to give your boots a stylish and sophisticated appearance.

How To Clean White Leather Boots?

Clean a white leather boots detergent and brush

Learn how to clean white leather boots below:

Remove The Laces

The first step to clean leather boots is to remove the laces. This gives you a surface and room to clean easily. Of course, this step applies to men’s lace-up boots and not men’s chukka boots. 

Get Rid Of The Dirt

Use a brush or duster to remove visible and excessive dirt on the surface. 

Mix And Apply The Cleaning Solution

Take one tablespoon of laundry detergent and mix it in hot water. Mix this solution and apply it to white leather boots. Once the stains and dirt are removed, you will use a water spray to rinse and clean. Make sure not to completely drench the boots.

Condition The Boots

Apply leather conditioner on the boots. It will restore newness to the boots and rejuvenate their quality. If you have men’s wingtip boots, you should follow this step since they are formal and require conditioning. 

Make Them Waterproof

By applying beeswax, you can also waterproof your boots. This step is ideal for men’s suede boots. 

Use a Boot Shiner

Another step in cleaning leather shoes and boots is using a boot shiner. It is an optional step that breathes new life into your boots.

How To Wash Leather Boots?

before and after result for cleaned leather boots

Learn how to wash leather boots at home below. 

Vinegar and Water Solution 

Mixing vinegar with water is the right way to wash leather boots at home. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and helps in removing stains. Adding water reduces its intensity and makes it effective without damaging the boots. 

How To Clean Leather Shoes?

Learn how to clean leather shoes at home below:

Dish Soap For Water Stains 

You can use a solution of dish soap and water to clean normal stains. Brush the dirt before cleaning and let the leather shoes dry on their own after which you will apply a leather conditioner. 

Nail Polish For Ink Stains

You can also use nail polish remover to get rid of stubborn stains. This is a good substitute for vinegar. 

Baking Soda For Oil Stains

If your shoes have oil stains, you can use baking soda and mix it in lukewarm water. Apply this thick paste on the stains and use a water spray to wash the paste off. 

Non-gel toothpaste For Scuffs

Did you know that toothpaste can help you remove scuffs on leather? Make sure you use a toothpaste that isn’t gel-based. 


How Can I Clean My Leather Boots At Home?

You can clean leather boots at home with a baking soda and water solution. A dish soap can also help you clean your boots. 

What Is The Best Thing To Clean Leather Boots With?

Ideally, you can clean your leather boots with a cleaning solution available in the market. However, you can also make use of dish soap to clean your boots at home. 

Can I Use Shampoo To Clean Leather Boots?

No, you should avoid using shampoo to clean leather boots as the ingredients are strong and can ruin the quality of leather. 

Is Vaseline Good For Leather Boots?

You can use Vaseline as a top base on men’s ankle boots after cleaning and drying them out. It helps the boots become water-resistant. 

Can We Clean Leather Shoes With Sanitizer?

No, you should avoid cleaning leather boots or leather shoes with a sanitizer. 

Can I Use Coconut Oil On Leather?

It’s best to avoid coconut oil on leather. Instead, you can use beeswax if you want to waterproof them.


In this guide, we discussed how to clean different types of leather boots at home. We also discuss how you can clean white leather boots. From their washing to cleaning, drying, shining, and even waterproofing, we made sure we covered all grounds. 

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